Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Holliday Opposes SB1 Delay

Says Kentucky's SB 1 Test
Will Not Have to be Replaced
When National Assessment Arrives in 2015

In a letter sent to legislative leaders, Kentucky Education Commissioner Terry Holliday opposes any moves to slow down implementation of or redirect funding for 2009’s Senate Bill 1 (SB 1).

The letter was delivered via e-mail to Senate President David Williams and Speaker of the House Greg Stumbo on Friday. Gov. Steve Beshear, Rep. Carl Rollins (chair of the House Education Committee), Sen. Ken Winters (chair of the Senate Education Committee) and members of the Kentucky Board of Education also received copies of the letter.

Holliday sent the letter to counter calls to slow down implementation and use any funding directed for SB 1 for other purposes.

In the letter, Holliday notes that SB 1 is a top priority for the Kentucky Department of Education and Kentucky Board of Education, because students and teachers need an education system that will prepare children for the competitive world environment.

“I know of no more important expenditure of funds than to prepare our children for their future,” Holliday said.

Senate Bill 1, passed in the 2009 session of the Kentucky General Assembly, is a comprehensive piece of legislation that addresses many items in the area of public school assessment and accountability. The bill, which revised 14 existing laws and created one new statute, requires that a new system of public school assessment and accountability be implemented in the 2011-12 school year.
Holliday assured legislators that Kentucky is leading the nation in implementing common core standards and in assessing them - and will not need to replace the SB 1 test in 2015 when the national consortia announce their test. Kentucky's assessment vendor is working with the consortia.

Although the bill did not specify funding for implementation, monies in the P-12 education budget have been redirected for that purpose, including professional development funds.

SOURCE: KDE Press release

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